Wild Ones Native Plant Sale
We’ll have a table with a Bird Sanctuary Certification sign-up sheet and other resources. Come by and see us!

Warner Park Hummingbird Fest
Ruby-throated hummingbirds are migrating south and are busy visiting Warner Park Nature Center feeders and flowers. Join us for this annual celebration of our smallest birds with fun activities for the whole family. Participate in hummingbird bingo, observe hummingbird banding, learn how to attract hummingbirds to your own backyard and much, much more. We’ll have a table with a Bird Sanctuary Certification sign-up sheet and other resources. Come by and see us!
Leaders: Nature Center Staff and Volunteers

Fall Native Plant Sale
Fall native plant sale benefitting Owl’s Hill Nature Sanctuary and Wild Ones Middle TN.
Warner Park Hummingbird Celebration
Ruby-throated hummingbirds are migrating south and are busy visiting our feeders and flowers! Join us for this annual celebration of our smallest birds with fun activities for the whole family. Participate in hummingbird bingo, observe hummingbird banding, learn how to attract hummingbirds to your own backyard, and much, much more!
Leaders: Nature Center Staff and Volunteers
Note: Hummingbird banding will take place from 8–10 AM and 1-3 PM. Licensed banders from our BIRD Program manage the bird banding station and use mist nets and traps to carefully catch, band, and release each hummingbird. Depending on the number of birds and the number of trained volunteers assisting that session, we are happy to answer questions about the birds and banding and discuss data collected and bird banding tools. Kids are welcome!